Urinary yeast infections: Are they different from UTI?

Urinary yeast infections: Are they different from UTI?

We all know that not only does urinary infections might interrupt your night sleep, it can also keep us struggling with pain and discomfort even during the day. But if a doctor tells you that you have urinary yeast infections, is it the same thing as UTI? What can be the symptoms and treatments needed to fight urinary yeast infections?


Urinary yeast infections vs. UTI

If you are experiencing pain when urinating, the first culprit you can think of is a kind of urinary tract infection or UTI. But do you know that you can also have urinary yeast infections together with a UTI? The main difference is the location affected by the infection. UTIs happen in the urethra, ureter, bladder, or kidneys. The symptoms and level of infection may be mild if it only targets the external portion of the urinary tract, but as it gets near the kidneys, complications get worse and treatment may be more difficult and complex. Urinary yeast infections, on the other hand, target mostly women’s vaginal area. While this infection affects women mostly, some men can also develop what we call jock itch or balanitis (penile inflammation) which is also caused by fungal overgrowth. For female urinary yeast infection, also called candidiasis or vaginal thrush, it is an overgrowth of fungal yeast that may be caused by wearing tight, ill-fitting, and uncomfortable underwear, hormonal imbalance, weak immune system, and effects of other medical conditions like diabetes.

Symptoms of urinary yeast infections

vaginal yeast infectionAside from painful urination, there are other symptoms that women feel that can alert them in considering they have a vaginal yeast infection. Here are some of them:


Treatment for urinary yeast infections

Treatment of UTI and urinary yeast infections are also very different. Prescribed antibiotics depending on the location and severity of the UTI is was doctors recommend to fight this infection. With urinary yeast infections, on the other hand, topical or oral antifungals, such as butoconazole, clotrimazole or fluconazole are recommended. Using these antifungal medications can quickly resolve most of the symptoms, although some women would need to take the medication for up to two weeks for it to completely fight off the infection. Some immune-compromised women also complain that after a successful round of treatment, relapse or return of the yeast infection happens regularly.


On the healthier side of things, here are some more ways to fight off vaginal yeast infections.


Diet. Eating natural, unsweetened yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus may help prevent yeast infections.

Hydration. The risk of yeast infections may also be lessened by staying hydrated and urinating when the need arises, not holding it in.

Feminine hygiene. Women should wipe from front to back after a bowel movement, urinate before and after sex, and avoiding using douches, vaginal sprays, and scented feminine hygiene products.

Clothing. They should avoid wearing restrictive, synthetic clothing, or change out of such clothing as soon as possible after exercising or swimming.